Try to use the most big and bold colours that you can within these guidelines. Do try to use all of our colours and use unexpected colours sometimes, not only green when talking about sustainability for example. And don’t be afraid to be a little pink.
Colour standard
We use uncoated paper for our printed material. It is the standard here at BoKlok and should be used as often as possible. Examples of use are folders, brochures, marketing material and stationary. Contact our Head of Communication if you are unsure of colour spaces and application.
Rules of usage
Solid, tinted and light versions
These 3 opacity levels are the only 3 that should be used. They can be used in most color spaces such as RGB, pantone or CMYK.
Solid 100%
Can contain icons, illustrations and text.
Additional info: Text and other graphic used on pink and yellow should be black, not white.

Blue 100

Red 100

Yellow 100

Green 100

Grey 100

Pink 100
Tints ~70%
Can only contain icons and illustrations. Text on 70% tints are only allowed in print. Not on web since we can't ensure legibility.

Blue 70

Red 70

Yellow 70

Green 70

Grey 70

Pink 70
Lights ~20%
Can contain all brand assets such as icons, illustrations and text. All content should be Black.

Blue 20

Red 20

Yellow 20

Green 20

Grey 20

Pink 20
How many colours can I use?
The idea behind density guidelines is to maximize the effect of color usage. We don’t use too many colours at the same time because it undermines the idea of colour as an effect of attracting attention. If we need to use several different colours we should utilize the other two sets of the colour (Light 20% and Tint 70%). Take note that the middle level (Tint 70%) can’t contain text – only graphics such as icons and illustrations.
Which set of colours do I use?
1-3 colours All sets of colour
3-5 colours Tints and Lights
>5 colours Lightest colours only
Our colours
The colours are inspired by our history and what we want to do.

Fjord blue

Brick red

Canola yellow

Birch twig green

Future grey

Playful pink
For application of the logo on coloured backgrounds, visit our logo guidelines.
Colour density
The distribution between whitespace and color in our layouts should be somewhere in the 80/20 range. White should be considered as standard for all kinds of backgrounds, color should mostly be used as interruptions:
- A new chapter in a presentation should have a background color.
- A converting module on the BoKlok site should have color to differentiate it for helping the users finding it.
- The final page of a brochure can have a colored background.
This usage scale does not take imagery and other media into account, it’s only a display of how often to use color.

Restricted use
We have a few colours that have specific application, consult with our Head of Communication before using any of these.